I first became familiar with Patricia Zapata's work through her A Little Hut shop which features unique hand-cut paper arts, illustrations, calendars, and cards. I went on to read more about her and discovered her Crafty Synergy interview blog - a wonderful resource to see and read about lots of great talent. Patricia also owns and operates Zapata Design, and she is now in the process of writing her own book (how exciting). Congratulations to Patricia on all her success and all the best for the future! Enjoy her insights on why she blogs and how blogging has influenced her work as an artist.

from July 11th, 2008:
Why did you decide to start a blog?
I have two blogs. The first one I started was A Little Hut (my personal blog) and Crafty Synergy (interviews with very interesting artists) came along afterwards. To be quite honest I’m not quite sure how I started my first blog. I do remember being very inspired by other blogs I was reading so I guess I just wanted to jump in too.
As far as Crafty Synergy, I’ve always wanted to know a little more about the artists that I admire and I thought that an interview blog would be fun to work on.

How has blogging affected your work as an artist/designer?
I would say that blogging has given my handmade work a voice it never had before. I also found a sense of rhythm and style throughout my work. Blogging also makes me push my projects further than I’d take them otherwise.
Crafty Synergy has also given me exactly what I wanted – a window into to the person behind work that I admire. I still get excited with every new interview that lands in my email inbox. I learn something new from everyone. It’s wonderful!

What are your favorite artist/designer blogs? Why?
Wow. This is a hard one and I can’t even bring myself to admit how many I read. Here are just a few off the top of my head...
Bookhou - Arounna’s designs are wonderful! Her combination of her work and children’s projects is also something that I really enjoy.
Assemblage - I love Kirsten’s design sense and style.
Uniform Studio - I love the simplicity of Martha’s designs and the way she describes her process.

Why do you think blogs have now become so popular with artists and designers?
I think they’re popular because they are so accessible and you can pick and choose what you’d like to read without any limitations. When I read blogs I feel like they are an open book that is tailor made to my interests. Another appealing aspect of blogs is that, for the most part, they are written by “regular” people that I can identify with. As a designer, when I’m in a rut, a good remedy is to visit my favorite blogs. The willingness that everyone has of sharing their work and processes is wonderful and it helps me get my creative engines on track again.

Do you have any advice for artists/designers who are starting a blog?
I think the most important thing is to stay true to yourself and your work and stop if it isn’t fun anymore or it becomes a burden. Don’t feel guilty for stepping aside for a while. I think a blog should be fun tool to use not one that causes headaches!
I would also say that you should put your best foot forward. You really never know who’s reading. I’ve had several interesting projects and opportunities come my way specifically because my work was found through my blog.

What has been the most positive and inspirational aspect of having a blog for you?
Without a doubt I think that the people that I’ve met through my blog and what I’ve learned from them is the most positive thing about blogging. I’d also say that my blogs have become a very important part of my creative playground. I wouldn’t have tried many of the things that I have worked one if it weren’t for blogging. I’ve also been very touched by emails from people that describe or show me what they’ve done after reading one of my project ideas. When one of my posts comes full circle like that, it’s just the icing on the cake.
Thank you so much for the opportunity of sharing these thoughts with you Stephanie!
Thank you Patricia for your participation, and also thanks for all you do to promote other artists' work on Crafty Synergy - a big inspiration for my "artists who blog" interview series!

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