Ashley Goldberg is one of the most popular artists on the Web, and her graphic style is eye-catching and unique. Through her blog Kitty Genius, Ashley gives readers an inside look at her studio, peeks at of her daily life, and updates on all of her latest creations in her shop. Occasionally, she also shares yummy vegetarian recipes!

from November 27th, 2008:
Why did you decide to start a blog?
I decided to be a part of the amazing and vast online community of
artists and crafters.

How did you come up with the name of your blog?
On the spur of the moment. We call our cat, Isadora, a kitty genius
(which she is, I might add), so that's what I went with. My very first
blog post is a photo of her, with the title "Namesake".

How has blogging affected your work as an artist?
The feedback really helps. It can push me in a direction I was
uncertain about. Many of the people who read my blog or comment have
blogs themselves, so I can see the type of person who is interested in
my work.

What are your favorite artist/design blogs? Why?
Gosh, I have tons. Daily I read Design Sponge, Inside a Black Apple,
Desire to Inspire, Poppytalk, and lots of others!

Why do you think blogs have now become so popular with artists and designers?
I think being an artist or designer can be an isolating career or
hobby. You spend a lot of time by yourself and with your work. Not all
of us live in a major city with a big artistic community, and great
ideas are rarely created in a vacuum. Browsing blogs and the internet
is a great way to get stimulated and get the creative juices flowing.

Do you have any advice for artists/designers who are starting a blog?
Write it for you, in your voice and people will sense that and be
drawn to it again and again. If it stops being fun you don't have to
keep doing it. It's a great way to get yourself out there, promote
your work, connect with others, but it's not something you HAVE to do
if it's not right for you.

What has been the most positive and inspirational aspect of having a blog for you?
Most of it! My favorite is that many "online" friends have become
"real life" friends. In fact, Thanksgiving this year will be (or "was"
if this is published post-Thanksgiving) with one of those very

Thanks Ashley!

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