Anne's blog: www.annechovie.blogspot.com
Anne's shop: www.annechovie.etsy.com
How did you come up with the name of your blog?
It was already the name of my Etsy store and was a silly play on my first name and my fondness for anchovies!

How has blogging affected your work as an artist/designer?
It has provided me with a lot of added inspiration because:
1) it's so motivating to be able to share my work with a larger audience
2) the feedback, interest and networking with clients, bloggers and creatives keeps things fresh

What are your favorite artist/designer blogs? Why?
Decor 8 - One of the first blogs I started reading and Holly Becker gave me my first post! She is so supportive of Indie art and always introduces me to something new.
Style Court - Courtney Barnes has been tremendously supportive of me from the beginning and she is very knowledgeable about both art and design.
Creative Thursday - great inspiration and practical advice from an artist I admire, Marisa Haedike.
Liza Moves On - amazing talent and gorgeous color - Liza Hirst is a very supportive friend, also.
Absolutely Beautiful Things - Eye candy and inspiration from my favorite Aussie, Anna Spiro.

Do you have any advice for artists/designers who are starting a blog?
Be who you are and don't be afraid to be more personal and allow people into your world - people enjoy following a person's life, as well as their work.

What has been the most positive and inspirational aspect of having a blog for you?
All of the wonderful people I have met and the relationships that have come out of it. Being an artist has a tendency to be isolating at times, and blogging has connected me with many kindred spirits I would not have otherwise met. Giving and receiving support in community, even via the world-wide web, is very underrated.

What do you find the most difficult/most rewarding part of having a creative profession?
Probably the business end of things and trying to make a good living at it is the most challenging part. I never want to become one of those cut-throat artists who is so driven to make ends meet that they compromise their integrity to do so.
The most rewarding part of it is being able to do something I love and hearing from clients/customers who enjoy my work everyday in their personal environments. It's tremendously gratifying when every overtime hour you spend working is going towards building your own business and you can actually see growth and progress year-to-year. Beats toiling for some corporate giant who distinguishes you purely by a number.

Other than your blog, what has been the most effective way for you to promote your art/design?
Through developing relationships with bloggers and people in the art/design industry and networking.

How do you maintain a healthy work/life balance?
I am not sure that I am that successful yet at keeping things balanced - I tend to work a lot. I am still working on the balance issue - it's easy to overdo it when you have your own business and work from home. I tend to take a mid-day swim after lunch, so I can get away from my work and get outside for a break and some exercise. Sometimes I have to shut down the computer, put away the materials and just get away to the beach or away on a daytrip.

What are your main goals for 2009?
Paint and create more
Learn new ways to be efficient
Appreciate every day
Live in the moment
Invest the bulk of my time and energy in what will last and avoid getting bogged down with the superficial.

Thanks for sharing with us Anne!

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