Mati's blog: www.matirose.blogspot.com
Mati's website: www.matirose.com
Mati's shop: www.suspectshoppe.etsy.com
**Mati's current show "Little Pink Houses" at the Curiosity Shoppe with Lisa Congdon** www.curiosityshoppeonline.com
Why did you decide to start a blog?
I decided to start a blog in 2005 when I went back to art school. I wanted a place to chronicle my thoughts and growth. I thought it would be akin to a personal journal that I would share with a few (I mean 3) friends who also had blogs. We would leave comments for each other and it was sweet. Pretty soon, as you know, the blogging community snowballed past just a few supportive friends! It was very exciting to witness artist friends taking off in success through exposure from their blogs, as well as to participate in this inspiring community.

How did you come up with the name of your blog?
Easy, Mati Rose is my first and middle name. My Papa named a boat after me called "The Mati Rose" which in retrospect feels like a very free and strong metaphor for living the creative life. Prior to my blog, there were also a few dear people in my life who called me Mati Rose and it always made me feel happy. I introduce myself just as Mati (pronounced Matey, like the shipmate).

How has blogging affected your work as an artist/designer?
Wow. I'm not sure what my art would have been like with out the influence of blogging since my artistic progression happened alongside my blog. I do know that the blogosphere connected me to so many other artists and windows into the way artists and creative people live. Consequently it made it seem possible for me to pursue the self-employed art lifestyle.

What are your favorite artist/designer blogs? Why?
Let's see... there are so many! I really appreciate them all for different reasons. Some are more personal. Some offer a mere sliver of a persons day. Some are curated. OK, one of my favorite bloggers and people is Andrea Jenkins of Hula70 for she seamlessly weaves her interests in photography, dance, writing, color, lists and I see everything she writes is an extension of her authentic creative self pouring out. Additionally I adore the blogs Dear Ada and Modish and appreciate their unique creative aesthetic. I am constantly book-marking artists featured on their blogs!

Do you have any advice for artists/designers who are starting a blog?
I think your blog will evolve naturally with your interests. Be natural and sincere in what you share. I feel as though I go through phases of feeling called to write more or less, but I try to write about something be it an upcoming show, artist I admire or sweet bag I really pine for when I feel genuinely excited about sharing something. I don't over think it I just get overcome with "this is so amazing I must share it right now!" Hopefully what inspiration and words I do end up sharing resonate with others and aren't too scattered!

What has been the most positive and inspirational aspect of having a blog for you?
Being part of a creative community has been a wonderful part of my life. I have made so many dear friends whom I respect and admire and feel consistently inspired by. I feel like I could move almost anywhere and have creative blogger friends. For the month of June we've been in Maine and although I haven't had the time to meet up with all my online art friends, I have met up with several and there's an immediate dropping into friendship because we've been part of each other's daily life for so many years.

What do you find the most difficult/most rewarding part of having a creative profession?
Being your own boss and then being your own boss. It takes discipline, vision, balance, confidence, motivation and hope.

Other than your blog, what has been the most effective way for you to promote your art/design?
Through Etsy and having a newsletter where I stay in touch with people who buy my art. Also by participating in art and craft shows like the Renegade Craft Show where there's a lot of visibility.

How do you maintain a healthy work/life balance?
I schedule big time outs for a healthy dose of perspective and to prevent total burn-out. This year my husband Hugh and I sub-letted our SF apartment twice: the first for a month in Italy and the 2nd is where I'm writing from in Maine.

What are your main goals for 2009?
I would like to find an illustration agent and expand my art to include textile design, licensing opportunities and make more big colorful paintings! A sense of balance, inner calm, ease and joy in the process and many celebrations are also my goals for 2009.
Thanks Mati!

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