Sofia's blog: www.lafeecoriandre.blogspot.com
Sofia's website: www.sofiabarao.com
Sofia's shops: www.sbarao.etsy.com, www.sofiabarao.bigcartel.com
Why did you decide to start a blog?
I married a French and as I’m from Portugal I was feeling a little bit lonely here so I decide to open my own window to the world. My own thoughts, life and art and I never stopped since.

How did you come up with the name of your blog?
La fée coriandre means coriander fairy and it was just a cute association of 2 things I like :)

How has blogging affected your work as an artist/designer?
Blogging and internet has been great, I’ve met people working in the art business, I received propositions for magazines and for exhibitions through it so it has been so amazing from my business point of view too.

What are your favorite artist/designer blogs? Why?
So many. Pia’s blog is wonderful, she is such a complete artist, love it , Jeana’s blog too, I love her art, her photos, to just be inspired by her everyday life, and lately I’m addicted to Summer’s blog, I love her choices.

Do you have any advice for artists/designers who are starting a blog?
Just do it. It won’t be easy, especially today with millions and millions of blogs out there but just try and see what happens, just put your soul to it, it won’t happen in a day but I’m sure you will get positive reactions. It’s worth it.

What has been the most positive and inspirational aspect of having a blog for you?
Well, I haven’t had any negative aspect, really, nothing bad happened until now so for me it is a good balance. With my blog I was able to link with people that have the same affinities and this is so great, especially when they are on the other side of the world. I like to step into artists and creative people’s worlds. This is the most inspirational thing of all about blogging.

What do you find the most difficult/most rewarding part of having a creative profession?
The most rewarding is of course to do what I want to do but unfortunatly there are still bills to be payed so I work outside the studio. At a museum half the day, 8 months a year, the rest of the time I spend it on vacations and on my artwork.

Other than your blog, what has been the most effective way for you to promote your art/design?
Etsy. To have my shops there and to have the chance that some of the items there were promoted by girls such as Jan from Poppytalk, Holly from decor8 and Grace from design*sponge at the beginning but I’m not a good marketing person so I don’t do as much promotion as I should. It is a full time job and I decided to spend it more on creation. My marketing nowadays is to just post on my Etsy shop.

How do you maintain a healthy work/life balance?
It’s not easy. I’m addicted to almost everything organic and I don’t eat much meat. I drink tons of herbal infusions and rooibos tea. Unfortunatly I’m not an exercize girl but I walk a lot (I don’t drive) so it is already a good thing, right ?

What are your main goals for 2009?
To continue to do what I love. To have some success with my Oiseau Rare Etsy shop, to have some more exhibitions scheduled for this year and to continue to read a lot and to write too; this 2 things are so important in my life.
Oh and yes to buy a bicycle too :)
Thanks Sofia!

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