Rachel's blog: www.cornflowerbluestudio.blogspot.com
Rachel's shops: www.felicityshop.etsy.com, www.cornflowerbluestudio.etsy.com
Why did you decide to start a blog?
I was living abroad. I don't know how to describe it, but I was looking for something new and a connection with like-minded people. I lived in a little bubble, a shell, and blogging helped me break out of it. I was really inspired by all the amazing things I was seeing, but it was hard to meet people and share the experience. Starting my blog was a big thing for me at that point.

How did you come up with the name of your blog?
A crayon. My blog is named after a Crayola crayon that I liked as a kid! For some reason I was so interested in the names of colors in the big box - how can you name a color, where do you even begin?

How has blogging affected your work as an artist/designer?
Putting your work out into the world is a strange thing, it can feel very weird. I started doing it on my blog in baby steps, which made the process so much easier. I put up some photography, showed some of my knitting. Before I knew it, I was submitting pieces to juried shows and selling things at a gallery. Looking back, I'm kind of shocked that I wasn't more nervous!

What are your favorite artist/designer blogs? Why?
I'm a huge people-watcher, so I love artist blogs that give me a glimpse into daily life and a person's thought process. These are a few that I turn to when I want to feel inspired:
Aux Petits Oiseaux
A View To
Single Crochet
Little Yellow Bird

Do you have any advice for artists/designers who are starting a blog?
Your blog is a window into your creative world, so be yourself and let your personality really shine through! I love the fact that I can share what I'm working on, thinking about, interested in... it's a place to inspire and be inspired.

What has been the most positive and inspirational aspect of having a blog for you?
The best aspect of having a blog is feedback! Whether it's positive or negative, it's always helpful (although I have to admit I prefer the positive kind). I can't overstate the importance of the encouragement I've received through my blog, it's really given me the confidence to keep moving forward and trying new things.

What do you find the most difficult/most rewarding part of having a creative profession?
For me, the most difficult thing is making time for everything I want to do. I also work at a Montessori school, so a big chunk of my day is spent in the classroom. I always make time for my creative ventures, but it's not always as much time as I would like! Fortunately, my artwork is really an extension of my everyday life - I have to be doing something, so why not sketch or pick up my crochet hook? Other than your blog, what has been the most effective way for you to promote your art/design? I think that both Etsy and Flickr have been great tools for me. They've enabled me to sell work and make contact with people and galleries. I can't overstate the importance of networking within the creative community! Sights like these make a world of difference.

How do you maintain a healthy work/life balance?
I'm not sure that I've figured out how to balance things really well, I do feel rushed a lot. I work, volunteer, have pets to care for, meals to prepare... and then I want to work on my latest project or spruce up my Etsy shop! I find that it works for me to work on things in waves, focusing more on my day job one week, my artwork the next week, household things the next week... then the cycle repeats itself.

What are your main goals for 2009?
I would like to approach my artwork a little differently, build a more cohesive collection of pieces. Also, I'm planning to delve into some new themes and do a bit of traveling. That will definitely make it's way into my artwork!
Thanks Rachel!