Kris' blog: www.color-stripes.blogspot.com
Kris' shops: www.kriswonderroom.bigcartel.com, www.KrissColorStripes.etsy.com
Why did you decide to start a blog?
It was 3 years ago and at that time I was working pretty hard in the fashion industry. I really needed a kind of vent when I discovered the blogosphere. I was so fascinated with all the support, friendship and generosity I saw in the blogs and I just wanted to be a part of that.

How did you come up with the name of your blog?
The favorite part of my job as fashion designer was choosing the colors for collections. I always loved to cut the stripes from hundreds of fabric samples, and making combinations for the outfits, so somehow kris’s color stripes sounded good to me.

How has blogging affected your work as an artist/designer?
Oh, in an incredible way. Having always immediate feedback made me produce more and more quickly, it also made me feel more positive about what I was doing, particularly because working from home can be hard since you are your own critic all the time.

What are your favorite artist/designer blogs? Why?
There are so many…
…Helen Dardik - Orange you lucky- I love her illustrations, colors and joy she transmit through her work.
Elisabeth Dunker - fine little day- I love her versatility and how she moves from one project to another while staying always true to herself.

Do you have any advice for artists/designers who are starting a blog?
Do it! Don't be afraid to show your art, ideas, and passions.

What has been the most positive and inspirational aspect of having a blog for you?
Connecting with people, immediate feedback, incredible support.

What do you find the most difficult/most rewarding part of having a creative profession?
I spent whole my life visiting only creative schools and doing creative jobs, so honestly I can not imagine doing something else. I would never change my work for any other career…one of the aspects I like most is flexible office hours- I like to start my day at 6 am and finish everithing by 4 pm.

Other than your blog, what has been the most effective way for you to promote your art/design?
Actually I’m probably the worst promoter of my work, so I must say I did literally nothing.

How do you maintain a healthy work/life balance?
I don’t…When I’m absorbed by my ideas I just can’t focus on enything else. I do have dinner with my boyfriend and I do laundry but I spend the most of my time in my studio-room obsessed with my ideas or projects I’m working on for my clients.

What would you like to accomplish in 2010?
I would love to get better in promoting my work…It’s something I’m really not good at.
Thanks so much Kris! Be sure to check out Kris' 2010 calendar here. It is beautiful!